Nature spaces

Sites protected under the EU Habitats Directive and Birds Directive form what is known as the Nature 2000 network.


A Natura site is not necessarily a wilderness, which would be impossible in many parts of Europe, but must have strict planning regulations to conserve its protected species.


The Región de Murcia has brought most of its protected areas into the network:

  • 50 LICs (Lugares de Importancia Comunitaria / Places of Importance to the Community) covering 16% of the Region.

  • 22 ZEPAs (Zonas de Especial Protección de Aves / Zones for the Special Protection of Birds) covering 18.1% of the Region.


62 ecological corridors have also been identified. This Red de Corredores Ecológicos is used to inform planning policies to avoid the isolation of Nature 2000 habitats.


Click on the thumbnail for a map.